10 bøger om de kongelige

10 bøger om de kongelige

75 kr.

Følgende 11 bøger sælges: 1. Kongehusets år 2000 i tekst og billeder, af Ib Boye. Bogen er yderst velholdt. Pris 85 kr. 2. Kongehuset 2007, af Karsten Lindhardt, Aschehoug Dansk Forlag A/S. Bogen fremstår som ny. Pris 95 kr. 3. Dronning i Danmark. Margrethe den Anden fortæller om sit liv, af Anne Wolden-Ræthinge. Med fotografier af Georg Oddner. Gyldendal, 1989, hæftet. Bogen fremstår som ny. Pris 75 kr. 4. Bogen om Margrethe, skrevet af hele Danmark. Bogen er udelukkende baseret på private personers oplevelser med dronningen. Bogen har mange forfattere. Den er samtidig enestående. Det er den første bog, der er skrevet af hele Danmark. Den er en gave til Dronning Margrethe II i anledning af hendes 50 års fødselsdag. Samlet af Poula Bojesen og redigeret af Henry Voersaa og Holger Blom, hæftet. Bogen er yderst velholdt. Pris 100 kr. 5. Margrethe 2. Danmarks Dronning, af Henning Dehn-Nielsen, Forlaget Sesam, 1999, hardback. Bogen indeholder masser af fotografier, både i farve og sort/hvid. Bogen er yderst velholdt. Pris 100 kr. 6. Prins Henrik. Skæbne forpligter. Under medvirken af Philippe Viguie Desplaces. På dansk ved Else Henneberg Pedersen. Aschehoug Dansk Forlag A/S, 1997, hæftet. Bogen indeholder mange sort/hvide fotografier og tegninger. Bogen er pæn og velholdt. Pris 90 kr. 7. og 8.: To super flotte kongelige bøger, af Hans Hermann Petersen, begge yderst velholdte: 1. Audiens - Mit livs album, Margrethe, Benedikte, Anne-Marie. 2. Audiens - Den unge generation. Begge bøger er fyldt med super flotte billeder både i sort/hvid og farve. Pris 150 kr. i alt for begge bøger. 9 og 10: Billed Bladets royale bøger: Nr. 1. Ingrid. 50 år som Danmarks dronning. Nr. 3. Det kongelige år i billeder. 1998 Begge bøger er fyldt med dejlige billeder. Bøgerne er i hardback, og de er yderst velholdte. Pris hhv. 85 kr. og 140 kr. 11. Året i billeder. Kongefamilien 2004. Set og sket i det danske kongehus, Carlsens Årbøger, af Sarah-Cathrine Wandsø, som ny. 60 kr.


The Unicorn Startups af Ayush Pawar (Bog)

The Unicorn Startups af Ayush Pawar (Bog)

54 kr.

Learn the Business and Marketing Strategies of Unicorn Startups Along with Their Unique Revenue Models ABOUT AUTHOR, I AM AYUSH PAWAR, and i am a 22 years old guy who is an enthusiast and passionate about startups and love to read and writes their business and marketing strategies. one day i am searching for books related to indian startups, company like flipkart, paytm, oyo and byju how they become what they are today. If you are doing business or wanted to do so. Then you need to understand how businesses run and generate their revenue. Do you know how DREAM11, QUIKR and MAKEMYTRIP generate their REVENUE?If you are struggling in your business or startups for not generating enough revenue then you must learn from THE UNICORN STARTUPS. Which are generating billions in a year. Give answers of the following questions.Que.(1) Didn't you generate enough revenue?Ans.---Que.(2) Don't you find the correct business model for your business or startup.Ans.---Que.(3) You want to start your own startup or business but don't find that great idea to start.Ans.---Que.(4) you just want to learn how these companies achieved their success.Ans.---In this book you will learn the business and marketing strategy of the following companies along with their unique revenue models.The Book contents: 1.FLIPKART, 2.PAYTM, 3.OLA, 4.ZOMATO, 5.OYO, 6.SWIGGY, 7.UBER, 8.POLICYBAZZAR, 9.BYJU'S, 10.UDAAN, 11.PHARMEASY, 12.CURE.FIT, 13.DREAM11, 14.QUIKR, 15.GAANA, 16.URBANCLAP, 17.CARS24, 18.MAKEMYTRIP, 19.SHARECHAT, 20.FRESHWORKS. Udgivelsesår: 2020 Sider: 318 Sprog: Engelsk Klik på 'Se annoncen hos forhandleren' for at se varen i vores webshop Brand: Ukendt Farve: Ukendt Stand: 60 - Vi sender til hele landet for 45 kr. Leveringstiden er 1-3 hverdage. Du kan også gratis hente den på vores lager på Industrivej 10 i Slangerup. Er du i tvivl om varen stadig er til salg? Klik på knappen "Se annoncen hos forhandleren" for at se den i vores webshop. Kan du se den der, er den stadig til salg Orderly er en ny måde at købe brugt på. Vi har alle vores sælgeres ting på vores centrale lager. Derfor kan du være helt sikker på at få dine ting - og du kan samle flere ting på tværs af sælgere og kun betale én gang fragt.

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Political mercenaries : the inside story of how fundraisers allowed billionaires to take over politics (Bog)

Political mercenaries : the inside story of how fundraisers allowed billionaires to take over politics (Bog)

54 kr.

The Inside Story of How Fundraisers Allowed Billionaires to Take Over Politics Summary: "In 1992, when Bill Clinton defeated George H.W. Bush, political fundraising was considered an afterthought. Their campaigns spent $192 million--combined! In contrast, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney spent over $7 billion to beat one another in 2012--36 times more than that spent just 20 years before. How is it that politics has become so focused on the almighty dollar and the cost of political campaigns so expensive? Lindsay Mark Lewis is arguably the person best able to answer those questions--the notorious political fundraiser renowned for his willingness to do almost anything to get the next political dollar in the war chest. He was part of the new political mob responsible for the excessive influence of money on campaigns. Co-authored with writer and political analyst Jim Arkedis, Political Mercenaries is a fascinating look into how American politics, to contradict former Speaker Tip O'Neill, is now all national money. This book emerges at a time when millions of Americans are more skeptical than ever about politicians on both sides of the aisle and how they obtain the money that funds their campaigns"-- Titel: Political mercenaries : the inside story of how fundraisers allowed billionaires to take over politics Forlag: Palgrave Macmillan Udgivelsesår: 2014 Sider: 264 Sprog: Engelsk Klik på 'Se annoncen hos forhandleren' for at se varen i vores webshop Brand: Ukendt Farve: Ukendt Stand: 60 - Vi sender til hele landet for 45 kr. Leveringstiden er 1-3 hverdage. Du kan også gratis hente den på vores lager på Industrivej 10 i Slangerup. Er du i tvivl om varen stadig er til salg? Klik på knappen "Se annoncen hos forhandleren" for at se den i vores webshop. Kan du se den der, er den stadig til salg Orderly er en ny måde at købe brugt på. Vi har alle vores sælgeres ting på vores centrale lager. Derfor kan du være helt sikker på at få dine ting - og du kan samle flere ting på tværs af sælgere og kun betale én gang fragt.

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48 kr.

Craft in Dialogue: Six Views on a Practice in Change Love Jnsson (ed.) IASPIS, 2005. ISBN: 91-975609-0-1 (hardback) This book wants to record a process in dialog and change and will bring to light crucial articulations, new ways of doing things, fresh insights. The collection of written and photographed work presented in Craft in Dialogue provides tantalizing glimpses, and lives up to some aspects of these aspirations. Comprising six essays and accompanied by color illustrations, Craft in Dialogue is written by contributors who span the Swedish critical and artistic world. In his introduction, Jnsson articulates the purpose of the publication: to present a "selection of potential viewpoints for discussions of contemporary crafts" (p. 7). The implication is that the reader will gain a sense of craft as discursively constituted, something that is dynamic, unexpected and innovative. The stated intent of Craft in Dialogue is to place the discussion and examples firmly within the contemporary Swedish context by exploring the crosscurrents of ideas that have defined the debate around craft internationally, specifically in relation to this national arena and within a wider publicly funded (Swedish Visual Arts Funds) research project whose goal is to instigate international exchange. En bog med fotografier og illustrationer på forsiden, der viser hænder, som holder farvet papir skåret ud i geometriske former, der danner maskelignende figurer. Bogen har titlen 'CRAFT IN DIALOGUE. SIX VIEWS ON A PRACTICE IN CHANGE', hvilket tyder på, at det er en bog om håndværk. Emneord håndarbejde craft psykologi kunst Klik på 'Se annoncen hos forhandleren' for at se varen i vores webshop Brand: Ukendt Farve: Grøn Stand: 40 - Vi sender til hele landet for 45 kr. Leveringstiden er 1-3 hverdage. Du kan også gratis hente den på vores lager på Industrivej 10 i Slangerup. Er du i tvivl om varen stadig er til salg? Klik på knappen "Se annoncen hos forhandleren" for at se den i vores webshop. Kan du se den der, er den stadig til salg Orderly er en ny måde at købe brugt på. Vi har alle vores sælgeres ting på vores centrale lager. Derfor kan du være helt sikker på at få dine ting - og du kan samle flere ting på tværs af sælgere og kun betale én gang fragt.

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The Study of Social Problems Seven Perspectives af Earl Rubington (Bog)

The Study of Social Problems Seven Perspectives af Earl Rubington (Bog)

340 kr.

Now in its seventh edition, The Study of Social Problems uses seven sociological perspectives--social pathology, social disorganization, value conflict, deviant behavior, labeling, the critical perspective, and social constructionism--to examine social problems. Focusing on theory, this critically acclaimed anthology distinguishes itself from other texts, which are organized topically. Each section opens with an overview of the perspective's major contributors, its history, and its main characteristics and closes with a critique of the perspective and questions for discussion. Thirty-six readings drawn from a wide range of primary sources illustrate and expand upon the key elements of each approach. The seventh edition features updated textual material, readings, and annotated references. Ten new contemporary selections cover the pathology of everyday life; sexual education and value conflict; self-injury and differential association; the stigma of charity; attacks on labeling theory; capitalism and the problems of class, race, and gender; state-corporate crime; changing constructions of rape; immigration; and terrorism as a social problem. Long a standard in its field, The Study of Social Problems, Seventh Edition, is an affordable, comprehensive, and indispensable volume for social problems courses. New to this Edition New contemporary pieces, including articles on terrorism and immigration Additional attention to issues of race, glass, and gender A final reading giving students the opportunity to apply analytical tools from all seven perspectives Previous Publication Date(s) August 2002 March 1995 April 1989 Reviews "The coverage of the theories is exceptional. I like the text because unlike its glossy high-cost competitors, it focuses on the essential things."--Annegret Staiger, Clarkson University "The theoretical coverage is outstanding! Very broad and presented in a way that students can understand and that allows for relatively easy comparing/contrasting. I would absolutely adopt a new edition because of the variety of perspective/theories presented and their organization and presentation."--Kelly A. Dagan, Illinois College "I view this book as an antidote to the mindless mediocrity of conventional (brick-sized) social problems texts. It is the best book on the subject and I will adopt the new edition, because it is the only option for thoughtful instruction."--Mahmoud Sadri, Texas Woman's University Table of Contents *=New to this Edition Chapter 2-9 end with Questions for Discussion and Selected References. Preface PART I. THE PROBLEM Chapter 1. Social Problems and Sociology The Definition of a Social Problem, The Development of American Sociology, Sociological Perspectives on Social Problems, Plan of the Book, Summary and Conclusion, Selected References PART II. THE PERSPECTIVES Chapter 2. Social Pathology The Concept of Social Problems, Roots of the Social Pathology Perspective, Changes in the Social Pathology Perspective, Characteristics of the Social Pathology Perspective, Summary and Conclusion The Organic Analogy, Samuel Smith The Child Savers, Anthony M. Platt A Universal Criterion of Pathology, Vytautas Kavolis * The Pathology of Everyday Life, Dalton Conley The Moral Premises of Social Pathology, Carl M. Rosenquist Chapter 3. Social Disorganization Problems of Society, Problems of the Discipline, Differences Between the Pathology and the Disorganization Perspectives, The Major Social Disorganization Theorists, Characteristics of the Social Disorganization Perspective, Summary and Conclusion Social Change and Social Disorganization, Robert E. Park The Ecology of Urban Disorganization, Robert E. L. Faris and H. Warren Dunham Family Disorganization, W. I. Thomas and Florian Znaniecki The Decline of a Black Community, Elijah Anderson A Disorganizing Concept, Marshall B. Clinard Chapter 4. Value Conflict Conflict Theorists and the Formulation of the Value Conflict Perspective, Characteristics of the Value Conflict Perspective, Summary and Conclusion The Conflict of Values, Richard C. Fuller and Richard R. Myers The Stages of a Social Problem, Richard C. Fuller and Richard R. Myers * Sexual Education and Value Conflict, Janice M. Irvine Words Without Deeds, Willard Waller A Critique of the Value Conflict Perspective, Kenneth Westhues Chapter 5. Deviant Behavior The Refocusing of Sociological Thought, Roots in Classical Theory, The Development of Anomie Theory, The Development of Differential Association Theory, Characteristics of the Deviant Behavior Perspective, Summary and Conclusion Robert Merton: Anomie and Social Structure, Marshall B. Clinard Learning to Be Deviant, Edwin H. Sutherland and Donald R. Cressey * Self-Injury and a New Form of Differential Association, Patricia A. Adler and Peter Adler Anomie: Theory and Fact, Marshall B. Clinard An Evaluation of the Theory of Differential Association, Donald R. Cressey Chapter 6. Labeling Focus and Concerns of the Labeling Perspective, The Discipline and Its Problems, Philosophical Sources of the Labeling Perspective, Founders of the Labeling Perspective, Characteristics of the Labeling Perspective, Summary and Conclusion Outsiders, Howard S. Becker Primary and Secondary Deviation, Edwin M. Lemert * The Stigma of Charity, Alice Fothergill The Saints and the Roughnecks, William J. Chambliss * Attacks on Labeling Theory, Joel Best Chapter 7. Critical Perspective The Main Idea of the Critical Perspective, The Social Sources of the Critical Perspective, Characteristics of the Critical Perspective, Summary and Conclusion Crime and the Development of Capitalism, Richard Quinney Toward a Political Economy of Crime, William J. Chambliss * Capitalism and the Problems of Class, Race, and Gender, Allan G. Johnson * The Case of a State-Corporate Crime, Judy Root Aulette and Raymond Michalowski Evaluating the Critical Perspective, Marshall B. Clinard and Robert F. Meier Chapter 8. Social Constructionism The Labeling Perspective: The Critique from Outside, The Rise of Social Constructionism, Constructionism's Growth, Development, and Change, Characteristics of the Constructionist Perspective, Summary and Conclusion The Definition of Social Problems, John I. Kitsuse And Malcolm Spector How to Successfully Construct a Social Problem, Donileen R. Loseke * Changing Constructions of Rape, Ken Plummer * Claims About Immigration, Joel Best Constructionism in Context, Joel Best PART III. THE PROSPECTS Chapter 9. A Sociological Review of the Perspectives The Seven Perspectives, Applicability, Combining Perspectives * The Social Problem of Terrorism, Austin Turk Titel: The Study of Social Problems Seven Perspectives Forfatter: Earl Rubington Forlag: Oxford University Press Udgivelsesår: 2011 Sider: 382 Sprog: Engelsk Klik på 'Se annoncen hos forhandleren' for at se varen i vores webshop Brand: Ukendt Farve: Ukendt Stand: 60 - Vi sender til hele landet for 45 kr. Leveringstiden er 1-3 hverdage. Du kan også gratis hente den på vores lager på Industrivej 10 i Slangerup. Er du i tvivl om varen stadig er til salg? Klik på knappen "Se annoncen hos forhandleren" for at se den i vores webshop. Kan du se den der, er den stadig til salg Orderly er en ny måde at købe brugt på. Vi har alle vores sælgeres ting på vores centrale lager. Derfor kan du være helt sikker på at få dine ting - og du kan samle flere ting på tværs af sælgere og kun betale én gang fragt.

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Relationship Rescue af ph.d. Mcgraw, Phillip C. (Bog)

Relationship Rescue af ph.d. Mcgraw, Phillip C. (Bog)

54 kr.

A Seven-Step Strategy for Reconnecting with Your Partner Now in paperback! "The #1 self-help book for 2000" (USA Today) and the #1 New York Times bestseller, with 1 million copies in print." After successfully helping hundreds of thousands of people take responsibility for their own actions, Dr. Phil McGraw now turns his expertise to the primary area of concern troubling most people: their relationships. In his tell-it-like-it-is style that already has influenced millions of Oprah viewers, "Dr. Phil" blows the whistle on the rhetoric of traditional "couples therapy" and instead tells you that -- no matter what state your relationship is in -- not only are you responsible for it, you are responsible for getting it back on track. By doing this, he offers readers the chance for further happiness through meaningful, fulfilling relationships that work. Dr. Phil McGraw sets the record straight on the most popular myths about what a good relationship is supposed to be, such as: Myth #1: A great relationship depends on a great meeting of the minds Myth #6: A great relationship lets you vent all your feelings Myth #7: A great relationship has nothing to do with sex Forfatter: ph.d. Mcgraw, Phillip C. Forlag: Hyperion Udgivelsesår: 2001 Sprog: Engelsk Klik på 'Se annoncen hos forhandleren' for at se varen i vores webshop Brand: Ukendt Farve: Ukendt Stand: 60 - Vi sender til hele landet for 45 kr. Leveringstiden er 1-3 hverdage. Du kan også gratis hente den på vores lager på Industrivej 10 i Slangerup. Er du i tvivl om varen stadig er til salg? Klik på knappen "Se annoncen hos forhandleren" for at se den i vores webshop. Kan du se den der, er den stadig til salg Orderly er en ny måde at købe brugt på. Vi har alle vores sælgeres ting på vores centrale lager. Derfor kan du være helt sikker på at få dine ting - og du kan samle flere ting på tværs af sælgere og kun betale én gang fragt.

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Den nye psykologihåndbog (Bog)

Den nye psykologihåndbog (Bog)

65 kr.

Indføring i den emotionelle og kognitive udvikling samt præsentation af psykologiske emnefelter, der fortrinsvis knytter sig til udviklingspsykologien. 1. Psykologien som videnskab. 2. Barndommen som personlighedens fundament. 3. Omsorgssvigt. 4. Børns dobbeltsocialisering. 5. Hjernen. 6. Fra intelligenskvotient til intelligensprofil. 7. Tænkning og sprog. 8. Identitetsdannelse i ungdomstiden. 9. Børn, unge og medier. 10. Livet i familien. 11. Parforhold. 12. Den tredje alder. 13. Arbejdsliv. 14. Grupper og team. 15. Kommunikation. 16. Det symbolske sprog. 17. Psykoser. 18. Narcissisme og prænsepsykogiske tilstande. 19. Neurotiske tilstande. 20. Sorg og krise. 21. Terapier Titel: Den nye psykologihåndbog Forlag: Nordisk Forlag A/S Udgivelsesår: 2003 Sider: 416 Sprog: Dansk Klik på 'Se annoncen hos forhandleren' for at se varen i vores webshop Brand: Ukendt Farve: Ukendt Stand: 60 - Vi sender til hele landet for 45 kr. Leveringstiden er 1-3 hverdage. Du kan også gratis hente den på vores lager på Industrivej 10 i Slangerup. Er du i tvivl om varen stadig er til salg? Klik på knappen "Se annoncen hos forhandleren" for at se den i vores webshop. Kan du se den der, er den stadig til salg Orderly er en ny måde at købe brugt på. Vi har alle vores sælgeres ting på vores centrale lager. Derfor kan du være helt sikker på at få dine ting - og du kan samle flere ting på tværs af sælgere og kun betale én gang fragt.

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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People af Stephen R. Covey (Bog)

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People af Stephen R. Covey (Bog)

54 kr.

Powerful Lessons in Personal Change In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, author Stephen R. Covey presents a holistic, integrated, principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, service, and human dignity -- principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates. Forfatter: Stephen R. Covey Udgivelsesår: 2004 Sider: 374 Sprog: Engelsk Klik på 'Se annoncen hos forhandleren' for at se varen i vores webshop Brand: Ukendt Farve: Ukendt Stand: 60 - Vi sender til hele landet for 45 kr. Leveringstiden er 1-3 hverdage. Du kan også gratis hente den på vores lager på Industrivej 10 i Slangerup. Er du i tvivl om varen stadig er til salg? Klik på knappen "Se annoncen hos forhandleren" for at se den i vores webshop. Kan du se den der, er den stadig til salg Orderly er en ny måde at købe brugt på. Vi har alle vores sælgeres ting på vores centrale lager. Derfor kan du være helt sikker på at få dine ting - og du kan samle flere ting på tværs af sælgere og kun betale én gang fragt.

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Bel Canto af Cornelius Reid

Bel Canto af Cornelius Reid

98 kr.

Bel Canto Principles and Practices stirrers a renewal of interest in the teaching technique upon which the Golden Age of Singing was founded. Bel Canto: Principles and Practices. Boston: Coleman & Ross, 1950. Reprinted, New York: Joseph Patelson Music House, 1975. Cornelius Lawrence Reid (Jersey City, NJ, February 7, 1911 - New York City, NY, February 3, 2008), was a well-known vocal pedagogue in New York City, specialist in the bel canto technique, and author of books on bel canto. sang Klik på 'Se annoncen hos forhandleren' for at se varen i vores webshop Brand: Ukendt Farve: Ukendt Stand: - Vi sender til hele landet for 45 kr. Leveringstiden er 1-3 hverdage. Du kan også gratis hente den på vores lager på Industrivej 10 i Slangerup. Er du i tvivl om varen stadig er til salg? Klik på knappen "Se annoncen hos forhandleren" for at se den i vores webshop. Kan du se den der, er den stadig til salg Orderly er en ny måde at købe brugt på. Vi har alle vores sælgeres ting på vores centrale lager. Derfor kan du være helt sikker på at få dine ting - og du kan samle flere ting på tværs af sælgere og kun betale én gang fragt.

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Kogebøger, fjerkræ + salater + 500 opskrifter +

Kogebøger, fjerkræ + salater + 500 opskrifter +

50 kr.

Stenalderkost + Syltning + God mad med krydderier + Alt om TOMATER. 10 bøger: 1. Politikens Fjerkræ Kogebog, forfatter Vivi Schou, Politikens Forlag, 1999, 1. udgave, 1. oplag, hardback. Fuldstændig ny og ubugt. Bogen er udsolgt fra forlaget. 85 kr. 2. Suveræne salater og brillante buffeter, af Sonja Bock og Tina Scheftelowitz, Forlaget 12 bøger A/S efter overenskomst med Høst & Søns Forlag, 1997, hardback. Bogen fremstår som ny. 75 kr. 3. 500 opskrifter. Kød, fjerkræ, fisk, skaldyr, pasta, grønsager, salater, saucer, desserter, brød m.v. Spændende mad til hverdag og fest. Politikens Forlag, 1999, hardback. Bogen er yderst velholdt. Udsolgt fra forlaget. 110 kr. 4. Stenalderkost, af Loren Cordain, Forlaget Libris, 2011, paperback. Stenalderkost af Loren Cordain er en opskriftssamling over den proteinrige, varierede kost, som vores forfædre spiste i jægersamfundet. Samtidig får du teori om, hvorfor vores forfædre var så sunde, og hvad det er i vores nutidige kost, der afviger fra dengang og dermed bør undgås. Bogen er fuldstændig ny og ubrugt. 85 kr. 5. Bogen om syltning, af Lotte Haveman, Union håndbøger, Lademann Forlagsaktieselskab, 1981, paperback. Bogen er som ny. 50 kr. 6. Den grønne Syltebog, Tørsleffs Husmoder Service, 42. oplag, 300 opskrifter, paperback. 45 kr. 7. God mad med krydderier, af Antje Schunka, PeterAsschenfeldt's Køkkenbibliotek, 1986, paperback. Masser af spændende opskrifter og gode råd om rigtig brug af krydderier og krydderurter. Bogen er yderst velholdt. 50 kr. 8. De bedste Grillretter, af Barbara Rias-Bucher, PeterAsschenfeldt's Køkkenbibliotek, 1986, paperback. Alt hvad en grill-kok har brug for af opskrifter, tips og gode råd findes i bogen. Bogen er yderst velholdt. 50 kr. 9. Salater, af Annette Wolter, PeterAsschenfeldt's Køkkenbibliotek, 1986, paperback. Et væld af nye ideer til variation i salatskålen. Bogen er yderst velholdt. 50 kr. 10. Alt om TOMATER, Lademann, 1982, paperback, helt ny. 45 kr. Sendes gerne.

Munkebo·20. sep.·

Straight from the CEO af G. William Dauphinais, Colin Price (Bog)

Straight from the CEO af G. William Dauphinais, Colin Price (Bog)

92 kr.

The World's Top Business Leaders Reveal Ideas that Every Manager Can Use 30 CEOs give their practical insights. Every day they must find ways to test and validate new ideas, implement change to improve the bottom line and ultimately focus on the core ideas that will truly reshape their corporation. Brief Description: America's foremost management consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, joins forces with 30 of the world's most successful CEOs to reveal innovative ways to revitalize a company and improve the all-important bottom line. Review Quotes: Jim Pawlak "Cleveland Plain Dealer" A riveting portrait of top-to-bottom thinking and decision-making in large corporations. Review Quotes: Jim Pawlak"Cleveland Plain Dealer"A riveting portrait of top-to-bottom thinking and decision-making in large corporations. Review Quotes: Geoffrey Brewer"Sales & Marketing Management"How refreshing: A business book written by people who actually run business...all of the corporate leaders in the book...offer compelling perspectives on the burning business issues managers face today. Review Quotes: Jim Pawlak"Cleveland Plain Dealer"A riveting portrait of top-to-bottom thinking and decision-making in large corporations. Review Quotes: Geoffrey Brewer"Sales & Marketing Management"How refreshing: A business book written by people who actually run business...all of the corporate leaders in the book...offer compelling perspectives on the burning business issues managers face today. Review Quotes: Geoffrey Brewer "Sales & Marketing Management" How refreshing: A business book written by people who actually run business...all of the corporate leaders in the book...offer compelling perspectives on the burning business issues managers face today. Table of Contents: CONTENTS Board of Contributors Foreword "What We Can Learn from CEOs" Klaus M. Schwab, President, World Economic Forum Introduction "CEOs Demand the ABCs -- Awareness, Belief, and Conduct" G. William Dauphinais and Colin Price "Part I" GLOBALIZATION: The Tempo Heats Up 1. Flemming LindelOV, "Carlsberg Group" The Best International Brands are "Glocal" 2. Percy Barnevik, "ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd." Creating a Federation of National Cultures 3. Felix Rosenberg, "Swisscom" Poised for the "Big Bang": Winning in the Deregulation Game 4. Mario Pais de Sousa, "Vulcano-Termodomesticos" Smart Shopping in the World Supermarket of Management Ideas 5. Minoru Murofushi, "Itochu Corporation" An Agile Giant 6. Rahul Bajaj, "Bajaj Auto Ltd." Bajaj: The New Face of Emerging Market Competition 7. James J. Schiro, "Price Waterhouse" The New Phase of Globalization "Part II" RADICAL CHANGE: Turning Up the Volume 8. Cor Herkstroter, "Royal Dutch/Shell" Royal Dutch/Shell: Rewriting the Contracts 9. Dr. Heinrich von Pierer, "Siemens A. G." Changing Supertankers into Speedboats 10. Patrick Haren, "Northern Ireland Electricity" Conjectures on Change: A Letter to the CEO 11. Serge Tchuruk, "Alcatel Alsthom" Driving Fundamental Change at Alcatel: A New Prism on Customer Focus 12. Dr. Kenneth W. Kizer, "U. S. Department of Veterans' Affairs" Health Care, Not Hospitals: Transforming the Veterans' Health Administration 13. Sir Richard Evans, "British Aerospace" A Benchmark That Brought Managers in from the Cold "Part III" LEADERSHIP: Giants of Value Creation 14. Sir Colin Marshall, "British Airways" From Apprentice Ship's Purser to CEO: A Journey in Search of the Customer 15. Eckhard Pfeiffer, "Compaq Computer Corporation" Future Tilt: How and Why Companies Need a Culture of Continuous Renewal 16. Michael Z. Kay, "LSG/SKY Chefs" Memo to a Turnaround Boss 17. Sadako Ogata, "The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees" Stakeholders Are a Reality Check for World Refugee Group 18. Robert B. Shapiro, "Monsanto Company" Sparking the Growth Engine at Monsanto: Using Shareholder Value as the Driving Framework 19. Michael Critelli, "Pitney Bowes Inc." Communicating in the Information Age: The Leadership Factor "Part IV" CULTURE: Fifteen Glorious Years! 20. Melvin R. Goodes, "Warner-Lambert Company" Transforming the Culture of a Global Enterprise... One Employee at a Time 21. Don Argus, "National Australia Bank Group" Focusing Leadership Through Corporate Values: A Key Driver for Success 22. Walter Shirley, "Chase Manhattan Bank" The Art of the Inclusive Merger 23. Dirk Blaeslng, "Fairway Filamentos" A Joint Venture That Found More than Synergy 24. Javier Herrero, "Iberdrola" Shaping Culture with Activity-Based Management 25. Tanri Abenc, "Bakrie & Bros." From "Dynasty" to Rule by MBAs "Part V" INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY: No Finger Painting, Please 26. Southwood J. Morcott, "Dana Corporation" Igniting a Firestorm of Creativity 27. Kenneth L. Lay, "Enron Corporation" Coming Soon to Your Home and Business: The New Energy Majors 28. Justus Veeneklaas, "Philips Australia" Reinventing Philips Down Under: Customers Seek Systems Solutions, Not Black Boxes 29. Glen L. Urban, "MIT Sloan School of Management" Strategic Roots of Innovation 30. David M. Kelley, "IDEO Product Development" Performing Rapid Innovation Magic: Ten Secrets of a Modem Merlin "Part VI" CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP: The Brand Is Dead. Long Live the Brand! 31. Peter Georgescu, "Young & Rubicam" Creative Marketing Is the Core Strategy for the New Millennium 32. Douglas Sims, "CoBank" Creating Competitive Advantage Through Customer Loyalty 33. Douglas Hyde, "OshKosh B'Gosh, Inc." New Products That Remain True to Core Values Acknowledgments IndexBiographical Note: G. William Dauphinais is in charge of Brand Management Marketing and Communication at PricewaterhouseCoopers and is the senior author of two previous books, "The Paradox Principles" and "Better Change."Publisher Marketing: "Straight from the CEO" reveals the practical, far-reaching insights of the world's top CEOs, including: Royal Dutch/Shell's Cor Herkstroter, mastermind of the most ambitious makeover among the world's energy behemoths; British Airways' Sir Colin Marshall, the market genius who powered the carrier's celebrated turnaround; Chase Manhattan's Walter Shipley, architect of one of the largest mergers ever to take place in the financial sector; Monsanto's Robert B. Shapiro, who has raised the hurdle bar on growth and profitability goals, although the company is at the peak of its form; British Aerospace's Sir Richard Evans, developer of one of Britain's biggest and boldest corporate-change management programs; Compaq Computer's Eckhard Pfeiffer, who has transformed himself from a successful turnaround artist into a hard-driving champion of continuous corporate renewal. "Straight from the CEO" is a major event, providing the rare opportunity to hear directly from the world's greatest business leaders. No ivory-tower theorizing, no speeches, no "consultant speak," these are the practical insights of leaders who every day must find ways to test and validate new ideas, implement change to improve the bottom line, and ultimately focus on the core ideas that will truly reshape their corporations. "Straight from the CEO" is an invaluable tool for managers at every level. Contributor Bio: Dauphinais, G William G. William Dauphinais is in charge of Brand Management Marketing and Communication at PricewaterhouseCoopers and is the senior author of two previous books, "The Paradox Principles" and "Better Change." Contributor Bio: Price, Colin DAVID G. FUBINI is a Director of McKinsey & Company, Inc., United States/Boston Office. David currently leads the Firm's Worldwide Post Merger Practice and has also served as the North American Leader of the Organization Practice. David has been with the Firm for over 25 years, during which time he has led efforts for over two dozen of the world's largest mergers. He has also worked extensively in the area of organization transformation improvement. David received a degree in Business Administration with honors from the University of Massachusetts, and a master's degree in Business Administration, with distinction, from Harvard University. COLIN PRICE is a Partner of McKinsey and Company and Director of the London office, and the co-author of several books including the bestseller "Straight from the CEO" (reissue; Nicholas Brealey, 1998) and "Wisdom of the CEO" (John Wiley, 2000). He was formerly global head of the Strategic Change consulting practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers and is a regular speaker at international conferences. MAURIZIO ZOLLO is the Shell Fellow in Business and the Environment, and Associate Professor of Strategy at INSEAD. He holds a PhD degree in Management from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, USA, and a Laurea degree in Monetary Economics from Bocconi University, Italy. Before starting his academic career, he had extensive professional experience in management consulting and investment banking advisory services for firms like McKinsey & Company and Merrill Lynch. Titel: Straight from the CEO Forfatter: G. William Dauphinais, Colin Price Udgivelsesår: 1998 Sider: 328 Sprog: Engelsk Klik på 'Se annoncen hos forhandleren' for at se varen i vores webshop Brand: Ukendt Farve: Ukendt Stand: 60 - Vi sender til hele landet for 45 kr. Leveringstiden er 1-3 hverdage. Du kan også gratis hente den på vores lager på Industrivej 10 i Slangerup. Er du i tvivl om varen stadig er til salg? Klik på knappen "Se annoncen hos forhandleren" for at se den i vores webshop. Kan du se den der, er den stadig til salg Orderly er en ny måde at købe brugt på. Vi har alle vores sælgeres ting på vores centrale lager. Derfor kan du være helt sikker på at få dine ting - og du kan samle flere ting på tværs af sælgere og kun betale én gang fragt.

Slangerup·20. sep.·Orderly Shop

Bogserie 2 stk. What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day af Pearl Cleage (Bog)

Bogserie 2 stk. What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day af Pearl Cleage (Bog)

76 kr.

Ava Johnson has had a decade of wild living in Atlanta and now she¿s returning to her home town of Idylwild in Michigan, her fabulous career plans in tatters. Ava is certain that Idylwild is the end of the road for her, but instead it turns out to be a new beginning. She falls for Eddie, a tough, but tai-chi-practising, Vietnam veteran; she rediscovers her relationship with her recently widowed sister Joyce; she supports the town¿s teenage mothers. But Ava also makes enemies. The Reverend and his formidable wife seem determined to drive her out of town. But what secrets are they hiding? Pearl Cleage¿s debut novel is a truly engaging, universal story, and her sparkling voice combines compassion, honesty and warm humour. Bestselling author Pearl Cleage returns to the site of her Oprah pick novel, What Looks Like Crazy On an Ordinary Day, to affirm life's precious wonder once again. Since Joyce Mitchell was widowed five years ago, she's kept herself mercifully busy by running The Sewing Circus, an all-female group she founded to provide badly needed services to single mothers and other young women at risk. But some nights, home alone, she knows something is missing. And if the state legislature cuts off funding, she'll soon not even have The Sewing Circus to fill up her life. Then one night, at dinner at the home of her best friend, Sister, Joyce finds a perfect meal and a perfect man: tall, dark Nate Anderson, whose unexpected presence touches a chord in Joyce's heart that she thought it had forgotten how to play. Suddenly, Joyce feels ready to grab a sexy red dress and the life that goes with it...if she can somehow keep her girls safe from the dark forces aligning against them. Pearl Cleage (born December 7, 1948) is an African-American author whose work, both fiction and non-fiction, has been widely recognized. Her novel What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day was a 1998 Oprah Book Club selection. Cleage is known for her feminist views, particularly regarding her identity as an African-American woman. Cleage teaches drama at Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia. Pearl Cleage was born in Springfield, Massachusetts, the daughter of Doris Cleage née Graham), a teacher, and the late civil rights activist Bishop Albert Cleage. After backlash resulting from her father's radical teachings, the family moved to Detroit, Michigan, where Bishop Cleage became a prominent civil rights leader. Cleage first attended Howard University in Washington, D.C., in 1966 majoring in playwriting and dramatic literature. However she moved to Atlanta, Georgia, to attend Spelman College in 1969, where she eventually attained a bachelor's degree in drama in 1971. She then joined the Spelman faculty as a writer and playwright in residence and as a creative director. Cleage has written many novels, plays, and non-fiction works borrowing heavily from her life experiences. Many of her novels are set in neighborhoods in Atlanta, Georgia. Cleage notably writes about topics at the intersection of sexism and racism, specifically on issues such as domestic violence and rape in the black community. She has been a supporter of the Obama administration. Cleage is an activist for AIDS and women's rights, experiences from which she draws from for her writings. In 1969, Cleage married Michael Lomax, an Atlanta politician and past-president of Dillard University in New Orleans, Louisiana. They had a daughter, Deignan Njeri. The marriage ended in divorce in 1979. In 1994, Cleage married Zaron Burnett, Jr, writer and director for the Just Us Theater Company. She has four grandchildren. Cleage is a former Cosby Endowed Chair at Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia. She also speaks at colleges, universities, and conferences on topics including domestic violence, the citizen's role in a participatory democracy, and writing topics. Titel: What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day Forfatter: Pearl Cleage Udgivelsesår: 2001 Sider: 244 Sprog: Engelsk Klik på 'Se annoncen hos forhandleren' for at se varen i vores webshop Brand: Ukendt Farve: Ukendt Stand: 80 - Vi sender til hele landet for 45 kr. Leveringstiden er 1-3 hverdage. Du kan også gratis hente den på vores lager på Industrivej 10 i Slangerup. Er du i tvivl om varen stadig er til salg? Klik på knappen "Se annoncen hos forhandleren" for at se den i vores webshop. Kan du se den der, er den stadig til salg Orderly er en ny måde at købe brugt på. Vi har alle vores sælgeres ting på vores centrale lager. Derfor kan du være helt sikker på at få dine ting - og du kan samle flere ting på tværs af sælgere og kun betale én gang fragt.

Slangerup·19. sep.·Orderly Shop

Big Java af Cay Horstmann (1959-) (Bog)

Big Java af Cay Horstmann (1959-) (Bog)

164 kr.

This book introduces programmers to objects at a gradual pace. The syntax boxes are revised to show typical code examples rather than abstract notation. This includes optional example modules using Alice and Greenfoot. The examples feature annotations with dos and don'ts along with cross references to more detailed explanations in the text. New tables show a large number of typical and cautionary examples. New programming and review problems are also presented that ensure a broad coverage of topics. In addition, Java 7 features are included... Titel: Big Java Forfatter: Cay Horstmann (1959-) Forlag: John Wiley & Sons Udgivelsesår: 2010 Sider: 1110 Sprog: Engelsk Klik på 'Se annoncen hos forhandleren' for at se varen i vores webshop Brand: Ukendt Farve: Ukendt Stand: 60 - Vi sender til hele landet for 45 kr. Leveringstiden er 1-3 hverdage. Du kan også gratis hente den på vores lager på Industrivej 10 i Slangerup. Er du i tvivl om varen stadig er til salg? Klik på knappen "Se annoncen hos forhandleren" for at se den i vores webshop. Kan du se den der, er den stadig til salg Orderly er en ny måde at købe brugt på. Vi har alle vores sælgeres ting på vores centrale lager. Derfor kan du være helt sikker på at få dine ting - og du kan samle flere ting på tværs af sælgere og kun betale én gang fragt.

Slangerup·19. sep.·Orderly Shop

Descriptosaurus af Alison Wilcox (Bog)

Descriptosaurus af Alison Wilcox (Bog)

65 kr.

Supporting Creative Writing for Ages 8-14 Cover -- Title -- Copyright -- Dedication -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Preface -- Introduction -- How to use this book -- Part 1: Settings -- Landscapes -- 1 Forests and woods -- 2 Mountains -- 3 Caves -- 4 Beaches, islands, volcanoes and deserts -- 5 Ground and paths -- 6 Streams, rivers, lakes and waterfalls -- 7 Sea and waves -- Settlements -- 8 Cities, towns and villages -- 9 Roads -- 10 Gardens -- 11 Buildings -- 12 Doors, halls, corridors and stairs -- 13 Rooms -- Atmosphere -- 14 Time of day -- 15 Seasons -- 16 Rain, mist and fog -- 17 Wind, thunder and lightning -- 18 Smell and touch -- 19 Sound -- Part 2: Characters -- Appearance -- 20 Age, height and shape -- 21 Face -- 22 Eyes -- 23 Mouth, teeth, nose and ears -- 24 Hands and fingers -- 25 Hair and facial hair -- 26 Clothes -- 27 Voice -- Emotions and personality -- 28 Excited, happy -- 29 Concentrating, determined -- 30 Sympathetic, caring -- 31 Relieved -- 32 Angry, aggressive, irritated, impatient -- 33 Cold, evil, sly, arrogant -- 34 Scared, frightened, timid -- 35 Nervous, shy, embarrassed -- 36 Sad, miserable -- 37 Tired -- 38 Pain -- Part 3: Creatures -- 39 Parts, size, shape, colour and covering -- 40 Head -- 41 Eyes -- 42 Arms and legs -- 43 Wings and tails -- 44 Smell and sound -- 45 Movement -- 46 Habitat -- 47 Abilities and actions -- 48 Weapons and destruction -- Part 4: Additional vocabulary -- 49 Adverbs -- 50 Connectives -- Part 5: Grammar in a creative context -- Overview -- 51 Poetry -- 52 Modelled sentences: detail, flow, impact (DFI) -- 53 Action frames: the wolf chase Forfatter: Alison Wilcox Udgivelsesår: 2018 Sprog: Engelsk Klik på 'Se annoncen hos forhandleren' for at se varen i vores webshop Brand: Ukendt Farve: Ukendt Stand: 60 - Vi sender til hele landet for 45 kr. Leveringstiden er 1-3 hverdage. Du kan også gratis hente den på vores lager på Industrivej 10 i Slangerup. Er du i tvivl om varen stadig er til salg? Klik på knappen "Se annoncen hos forhandleren" for at se den i vores webshop. Kan du se den der, er den stadig til salg Orderly er en ny måde at købe brugt på. Vi har alle vores sælgeres ting på vores centrale lager. Derfor kan du være helt sikker på at få dine ting - og du kan samle flere ting på tværs af sælgere og kun betale én gang fragt.

Slangerup·19. sep.·Orderly Shop

Attention deficit disorders : the unfocused mind in children and adults af Thomas E. Brown (Bog)

Attention deficit disorders : the unfocused mind in children and adults af Thomas E. Brown (Bog)

54 kr.

The Unfocused Mind in Children and Adults Summary: Myths about Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder(ADD/ADHD) abound. This disorder frequently goes unrecognized, and even when diagnosed may be inadequately treated. In this up-to-date and clearly written book, a leading expert offers a new way of understanding ADD. Drawing on recent findings in neuroscience and a rich variety of case histories from his own clinical practice, Dr. Thomas E. Brown describes what ADD syndrome is, how it can be recognized at different ages, and how it can best be treated. This is the first book to address the perplexing question about ADD: how can individuals, some very bright, be chronically unable to "pay attention," yet be able to focus very well on specific tasks that strongly interest them? Dr. Brown disputes the "willpower" explanation and explains how inherited malfunctions of the brain's management system prevent some people from being able to deal adequately with challenging tasks of childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. His book is an authoritative and practical guide for physicians and psychologists, parents and teachers, and the 7 to 9 percent of persons who suffer from ADD/ADHD Forfatter: Thomas E. Brown Forlag: Yale University Press Udgivelsesår: 2005 Sider: 360 Sprog: Engelsk Klik på 'Se annoncen hos forhandleren' for at se varen i vores webshop Brand: Ukendt Farve: Ukendt Stand: 60 - Vi sender til hele landet for 45 kr. Leveringstiden er 1-3 hverdage. Du kan også gratis hente den på vores lager på Industrivej 10 i Slangerup. Er du i tvivl om varen stadig er til salg? Klik på knappen "Se annoncen hos forhandleren" for at se den i vores webshop. Kan du se den der, er den stadig til salg Orderly er en ny måde at købe brugt på. Vi har alle vores sælgeres ting på vores centrale lager. Derfor kan du være helt sikker på at få dine ting - og du kan samle flere ting på tværs af sælgere og kun betale én gang fragt.

Slangerup·19. sep.·Orderly Shop

Can I tell you about Pathological Demand Avoidance syndrome : A guide for friends, family and professionals af Ruth Fidler (Bog)

Can I tell you about Pathological Demand Avoidance syndrome : A guide for friends, family and professionals af Ruth Fidler (Bog)

76 kr.

In this illustrated guide Issy invites readers to learn about PDA, a part of the autism spectrum, from her perspective, helping them to understand how it causes her to find simple, everyday demands very stressful. Issy tells readers about all the ways she can be helped and supported by those around her. This illustrated book is for readers aged 7 and upwards, and will be an excellent way to increase understanding about PDA in the classroom or at home. It also includes practical tips and recommended resources for parents and professionals. About the Author Ruth Fidler is Assistant Head Teacher at Sutherland House School run by the autism charity NORSACA. She works throughout the school (aged 3-19) developing whole school approaches to working interactively with children across the autism spectrum, with a particular focus on social and emotional well being. Phil Christie is Director of Sutherland House Children's Services, run by autism charity NORSACA (www.norsaca.org.uk), and leads a team of Consultant Child Psychologists at the Elizabeth Newson Centre. The centre carries out training and research activities and has particular expertise in PDA. He is also Associate Editor of 'Good Autism Practice', and became Chair of the Advisory Council of the Autism Education Trust in 2009. Titel: Can I tell you about Pathological Demand Avoidance syndrome : A guide for friends, family and professionals Forfatter: Ruth Fidler Forlag: Jessica Kingsley Publishers Udgivelsesår: 2015 Sider: 56 Sprog: Engelsk Klik på 'Se annoncen hos forhandleren' for at se varen i vores webshop Brand: Ukendt Farve: Ukendt Stand: 60 - Vi sender til hele landet for 45 kr. Leveringstiden er 1-3 hverdage. Du kan også gratis hente den på vores lager på Industrivej 10 i Slangerup. Er du i tvivl om varen stadig er til salg? Klik på knappen "Se annoncen hos forhandleren" for at se den i vores webshop. Kan du se den der, er den stadig til salg Orderly er en ny måde at købe brugt på. Vi har alle vores sælgeres ting på vores centrale lager. Derfor kan du være helt sikker på at få dine ting - og du kan samle flere ting på tværs af sælgere og kun betale én gang fragt.

Slangerup·19. sep.·Orderly Shop

Truede dyr i Norden af Tommy Dybbro fra WWF Verdensnatufondens

Truede dyr i Norden af Tommy Dybbro fra WWF Verdensnatufondens

54 kr.

Bogen 'Truede dyr i Norden' skrevet af biologen Tommy Dybbro. Udgivet af WWF Verdensnaturfondens danske afdeling, med støtte fra Nordisk Kellogg's A/S. Bogen indeholder detaljeret information og illustrationer af truede dyrearter i Norden, tilrettelagt til skolebrug for klassetrin 4.-7. Bogen er brugt og har et biblioteksmærke fra Allindelille Skole. Klik på 'Se annoncen hos forhandleren' for at se varen i vores webshop Brand: WWF Verdensnatufondens Farve: Orange Stand: 80 - Vi sender til hele landet for 45 kr. Leveringstiden er 1-3 hverdage. Du kan også gratis hente den på vores lager på Industrivej 10 i Slangerup. Er du i tvivl om varen stadig er til salg? Klik på knappen "Se annoncen hos forhandleren" for at se den i vores webshop. Kan du se den der, er den stadig til salg Orderly er en ny måde at købe brugt på. Vi har alle vores sælgeres ting på vores centrale lager. Derfor kan du være helt sikker på at få dine ting - og du kan samle flere ting på tværs af sælgere og kun betale én gang fragt.

Slangerup·19. sep.·Orderly Shop

Masser af ordbøger

Masser af ordbøger

50 kr.

Følgende 11 ordbøger sælges for 50 kr. pr. stk.: 1. Politikens Store Nye Nudansk Ordbog. bind 1 fra A - K og bind 2 fra L - Å. Sælges samlet for 100 kr. 2. Dansk Ordbog, Politikens Forlag, 2. udgave 3. Retskrivningsordbogen, Dansk Sprognævn 4. Fremmedordbog, Gyldendals Røde Ordbøger, 1998 5. Fremmedordbogen, Gyldendals Røde Ordbog, 1975 6. Dansk - Tysk. Gyldendals Røde Ordbøger 7. Tysk - Dansk. Gyldendals Røde Ordbøger 8. Dansk - Engelsk. Gyldendals Røde Ordbøger 9. Dansk - Engelsk. Gyldendals Røde Ordbøger 10. Antik Dansk Ordbog. Retstavning her og nu. Udgivet af Degne Distrib, 1987, 1. udgave, 1. oplag Alle bøgerne er yderst velholdte. Pris 50 kr. pr. stk. Sendes gerne.

Munkebo·18. aug.·

Få beskedNår der er nye resultater i Faglitteratur

Lup med søgeord i
11 havebøger, alle nye

11 havebøger, alle nye

25 kr.

11 super flotte havebøger, alle helt nye og ubrugte, sælges: 1. Container Gardening af Alan Toogood. Forlaget Tiger Books, London, hardback, 80 sider. Pris 50 kr. 2. Planter i krukker og potter af Eyvind Thorsen. Politikens Forlag, hardback, 128 sider. Pris 75 kr. 3. Den lille Havebog af Martin Stangl. Haven året rundt - prydhaven, køkkenhaven, frugthaven måned for måned. Bogen er fyldt med flotte farvefotos og beskrivelser. Ashehougs Dansk Forlag A/S, hardback, 95 sider. Pris 50 kr. 4. Hibiscus, farverig inspiration af Helle Graff & Inge Skovdal. Hardback. Pris 50 kr. 5. Jeg har have. Politikens Familiehåndbøger. Håndbogen om havens blomster, buske og træer. Bogen er fuldstændig ny og ubrugt (stadig i plomberet emballage). Pris 100 kr 6. Povl Bruun-Møller, bogen Sten, træ og vand i haven, tegninger af Verner Hancke, Forlaget Danmark, 1983. Pris 40 kr. 7. Povl Bruun-Møller, bogen Ideer til haven, tegninger af Verner Hancke, Forlaget Danmark, 1983. Pris 40 kr. 8. Få inspiration til din have, Få inspiration til din have, gode råd giver gode oplevelser. Bogen er udgivet af danske havecentre. Pris 25 kr. 9. Politikens havebog, af Ejvind Thorsen, 3. udgave, 2. reviderede oplag, hardback, 1987. Gennemillustreret med tegninger og billeder i farve og sort/hvid. Politikens havebog er den nødvendige håndbog for alle haveejere - nybegyndere som virkelig erfarne. Bogen uddyber alle tænkelige arbejdsopgaver og giver gode råd mht beplantning med de rigtige kulturer på de bedst egnede steder. Alt sammen udførligt beskrevet i tekst og i instruktive tegninger og fotos. Bogen er yderst velholdt og fremstår som næsten ny. Pris 75 kr. 10. BLOMSTER, af Camilla Plum, super flotte fotografier af Anne-Li Engström, Politikens Forlag, 2009, hardback. Stort format. Pris 140 kr. 11. Fra frø til blomst, af Isabella Smith, Aschehoug, 1. udgave, 2005. Pris 60 kr. Alle bøgerne er helt nye, og nr. 9 fremstår som næsten ny. Sendes gerne.

Munkebo·18. aug.·

14 Clausen bøger om hunde og fugle

14 Clausen bøger om hunde og fugle

45 kr.

Aschehoug, paperback, Alle 14 bøger er yderst velholdte, og de fleste er fuldstændig nye. Der er følgende: 1. Engelsk setter, af F. Schaumburg, 1979. 2. Old English Sheepdog, af Ivan Olsen, 1976. 3. Boxer-bogen, af A. P. Nørlund, 1972 4. Pudlen, af Ebba Aalegaard, 1968. 5. Spaniels, af John Petersen, 1974. 6. Beoen, af Flemming Holbek, 1971 og 1974. 7. Kanariefuglebog for begyndere, af Curt Af Enehjelm, 1970. 8. Stuefuglenes sygdomme, af J. Dalborg-Johansen, 1974. 9. Papegøjebogen, af Curt af Enehjelm, 1980. Pris 45 kr. pr. stk. 10. Bogen om kanariefugle, af Annette Flagstad, 1985, hardback. Pris 55 kr. 11. Bedre hundeavl, af Per-Erik Sundgren, 1977. Pris 50 kr. 12. Spørg dyrlægen om din hund, af Kristine Elbæk, 1982. Pris 65 kr. 13. Hundens ernæring, af Ib Engelhard, 1977. Pris 60 kr. 14. Jagt med riffel, af Aage Weitemeyer, J. Fr. Clausens Forlag, Aschehoug, 1974. Pris 85 kr. Sendes gerne.

Munkebo·17. aug.·

8 hobby- og idebøger,Trylledej, Ansigtsmaling m.m.

8 hobby- og idebøger,Trylledej, Ansigtsmaling m.m.

50 kr.

Der er følgende 8 hobbybøger: 1. Børnefest og fødselsdag, af Bartl Michalski, Forlaget Klematis, 1990, 1. oplag, hardback. Bogen er helt ny. Der er vist 3 tilfældige sider fra bogen på annoncen (billede 8, 9 og 10). Pris 75 kr. 2. Trylledej til jul, af Anne Skødt, tegninger af Dette Kim, Forlaget Klematis A/S, 1992, 1. oplag, hardback. Bogen er pæn og velholdt (bibl.bog). Pris 85 kr. 3. Leg med naturmaterialer EFTERÅR og VINTER, af Dette Kim, Forlaget Klematis A/S, 1993, 2. oplag, hardback. Bogen er yderst velholdt (bibl.bog). Pris 100 kr. 4. Jul for alle, af Susanne Skou Sørensen og Ole Nørgaard, Fredensborg Hobbybøger, 1. oplag, 1996, hardback. Bogen er yderst velholdt og fremstår som ny. Pris 60 kr. 5. Ansigtsmaling. Skræk, skæg og magi, af Caro Childs, Parragon, 2004, hardback, Bogen er yderst velholdt og fremstår som ny. Pris 85 kr. 6. Bo Bedre's Børnenes Idebog, af Lis Paludan og Ulla Dietl. Forlaget Fogtdal. Bogen er yderst velholdt og fremstår som ny. Pris 85 kr. 7. Sjove ting af ingenting, af Ulla Skok, Berlingske Forlag, 1969, hardback, yderst velholdt (bibl.bog). Pris 35 kr. 8. IDEBOG for rare voksne, af Grete Janus Hertz, Wøldike, 1980, hæftet, yderst velholdt. Pris 50 kr. Sendes gerne.

Munkebo·12. aug.·

Politikens Kattebog

Politikens Kattebog

75 kr.

Indbundet, 231 sider. Som ny. Sendes gerne, porto = 50 kr. MobilePay. Politikens Kattebog er en praktisk håndbog for enhver, der har kat eller drømmer om at få det. Læs bl.a. om at anskaffe, passe og opdrætte katte og om kattens adfærd. Bogen henvender sig både til dem, der har en helt almindelig huskat og til dem, der tager på udstillinger med deres racekatte. Fra bogens indhold: • Vælg katten med omtanke • Fodring, pasning og pleje • Kattens adfærd • Killinger og opdræt • Katteraceleksikon • Med katten på udstilling • Sundhed og sygdom fra A til Å Bogen er skrevet af Solveig Schjørmann, der er konsulent for Dansk Racekatteklub og kattebrevkasse-redaktør. Dyrlæge Kristine Elbæk, der er forfatter til flere bøger om kattens sundhed og sygdom, har skrevet dyrlægeleksikonet. 7. helt nyskrevne udgave af Politikens Kattebog, nu trykt i 53.000 eksemplarer.

Valby·7. jul.·

4 books in the series: Famous Lives. (Bill Gates,

4 books in the series: Famous Lives. (Bill Gates,

150 kr.

4 books in the series: Famous Lives. / 4 bøger i serien: Famous Lives. (Bill Gates, Diana, Muhammad Ali and Neil Armstrong) Publisher Wayland / Forlaget Wayland (1998-2002) Language: English. 1) Bill Gates - Computer Legend ; Sara Barton-Wood: This text takes a look at the life of Bill Gates, a computer-mad teenager turned tough businessman. The book interweaves Bill's home life together with information on his public persona as a computer giant. It also explores the changing computer technology from the 1960s through to the modern day. ISBN: 07-5023-883-6 / 9780750238830 2) Diana - The People's Princess ; Richard Wood A biography of Diana Princess of Wales focusing on her charity work and her own personal struggles. Readership level: 7 - 11 years. ISBN: 07-5022-294-8 7 / 9780750222945 3) Muhammad Ali - The Greatest ; Jason Hook This is a biography of Mohammed Ali's life through a combination of simple text, photographs, captions and quotation panels. ISBN: 07-5023-280-3 / 9780750232807 4) Neil Armstrong - The First Man on the Moon ; Mike Goldsmith, This book looks at the life of Neil Armstrong, whose childhood fascination with flying would eventually lead him on an extraordinary trip to the moon. Readers will learn about the technology available at that time, the training Apollo 11 astronauls Neil, Buzz Aldrin and Mike Collins underwent, and the events of the 1969 voyage to the moon. A beautifully-presented book on this truly remarkable event. Containing quotation panels, including letters and diary extracts. Also includes a date chart, glossary and index. ISBN: 07-5023-885-2 / 9780750238854 The covers have traces of use / Omslaget har brugsspor Samlet vægt: 871 gram

Aabenraa·30. jun.·

Why Do People: Take Drugs?,  Join Gangs? &  Live o

Why Do People: Take Drugs?, Join Gangs? & Live o

100 kr.

Why Do People: Take Drugs?, Join Gangs? & Live on the Streets? (3 bøger). Authors: Patsy Westcott, Julie Johnson, Kaye Stearman Language: English Hardcover. 1) Why Do People Take Drugs?, Patsy Westcott. Written for nine to 12-year-olds, this book examines why young people take substances that can be dangerous. The book is aimed at stimulating classroom discussion and gives children the information they need to form their own opinions. Publisher: Wayland, 2000 ISBN: 07-5022-756-7 2) Why Do People Join Gangs?, Julie Johnson This book gives clear, no-nonsense information about gangs and the people who join them. It also includes quotes from current and ex-gang members showing the pros and cons of gang life. It explores issues such as bullying and peer pressure while also showing the good sides of being one of the gang. Publisher: Wayland, 2001 ISBN: 07-5022-761-3 3) Why Do People Live on the Streets?, Kaye Stearman Written for nine to 12 year olds, this book examines how homeless people survive around the world. The author presents possible solutions to the problem and presents the facts in a manner that allows children form their own opinions. Publisher: Wayland, 2000 ISBN: 07-5022-757-5 Weight: 1034 gram

Aabenraa·29. jun.·

Serie: Why Do People... (4 bøger)

Serie: Why Do People... (4 bøger)

120 kr.

Why Do People: Take Drugs?, Live on the Streets? Drink Alcohol? & Join Gangs? (4 bøger) Authors: Patsy Westcott, Julie Johnson, Kaye Stearman. Language: English Hardcover. 1) Why Do People Take Drugs?, Patsy Westcott. Written for nine to 12-year-olds, this book examines why young people take substances that can be dangerous. The book is aimed at stimulating classroom discussion and gives children the information they need to form their own opinions. Publisher: Wayland, 2000 ISBN: 07-5022-756-7 2) Why Do People Live on the Streets?, Kaye Stearman Written for nine to 12 year olds, this book examines how homeless people survive around the world. The author presents possible solutions to the problem and presents the facts in a manner that allows children form their own opinions. Publisher: Wayland, 2000 ISBN: 07-5022-757-5 3) Why Do People Drink Alcohol?, Julie Johnson This book helps to answer questions about alcohol. It offers clear, no-nonsense information about all kinds of alcoholic drinks. It describes the effects of drinking and how it makes people feel and act. And it gives different people's opinion on the subject, including doctors.Publisher: Wayland, 2000 ISBN: 07-5022-760-5 4) Why Do People Join Gangs?, Julie Johnson This book gives clear, no-nonsense information about gangs and the people who join them. It also includes quotes from current and ex-gang members showing the pros and cons of gang life. It explores issues such as bullying and peer pressure while also showing the good sides of being one of the gang. Publisher: Wayland, 2001 ISBN: 07-5022-761-3 Weight: 1386 gram

Aabenraa·29. jun.·

Focus on Four Decades (4 bøger samlet)

Focus on Four Decades (4 bøger samlet)

250 kr.

Language: english. Cover: Hardback. 1. udgave fra 1989 på forlaget Wayland / Munksgaard 1995 Der er stødmærker på hjørner samt på top og bund af ryggene The Fifties ; af Tom Stacy (ISBN: 1-85210-722-7 / ISBN: 87-16-11584-8) The period from 1950 to 1959 saw enormous changes in society. In the uneasy peace wich followed the Second World War, austerity gradually gave way to affluence and more and more consumer goods became available. At the start of the decade, young people were expected to dress and behave like their parents. Most of them did, but there was a growing spirit of rebellion as teenagers began to develop their own tastes and express their own opinions. THE FIFTIES looks at this decade in a new way. The emphasis is on the style of the period and the dramatic social changes that took place, especially in those areas directly concerning young people - music, clothes, the media, leisure, youth culture and style. These are seen against the background of the decade's maijor historical, political and technological events. Contents/Indhold: Introduction ; Fashion ; Pop Music : The Media ; Leisure ; Youth Cultures ; Fifties Style ; Images of the Fifties. The Sixties ; Af Edward Grey (ISBN: 1-85210-723-5 / ISBN: 87-16-11582-9). The period from 1960 to 1969 was the time of a teenage explosion. As their parents grew more affluent, teenagers found themselves with more money to spend. New music and clothing industries sprang up to cater for their needs. During the sixties, young people were constantly in the news, whether because of fashions such as the miniskirt, pop froups like the Beatles, hippy communes or anti-war demonstrations... The Seventies ; af Michael Garrett (ISBN: 1-85210-724-3 / 87-16-11581-3) The period from 1970 to 1979 was a time of uncertainyt. The Eighties ; Af Edward Grey (ISBN: 1-85210-725-1 /87-16-11580-5) The period from 1980 to 1989 seemed to bring one disaster after another... Samlet vægt: 1412 gram

Aabenraa·21. jun.·

The Fifties (Series : Decades) Af Tom Stacy

The Fifties (Series : Decades) Af Tom Stacy

100 kr.

Hardback The period from 1950 to 1959 saw enormous changes in society. In the uneasy peace wich followed the Second World War, austerity gradually gave way to affluence and more and more consumer goods became available. At the start of the decade, young people were expected to dress and behave like their parents. Most of them did, but there was a growing spirit of rebellion as teenagers began to develop their own tastes and express their own opinions. THE FIFTIES looks at this decade in a new way. The emphasis is on the style of the period and the dramatic social changes that took place, especially in those areas directly concerning young people - music, clothes, the media, leisure, youth culture and style. These are seen against the background of the decade's maijor historical, political and technological events. Contents/Indhold: Introduction ; Fashion ; Pop Music : The Media ; Leisure ; Youth Cultures ; Fifties Style ; Images of the Fifties 1. udgave fra 1989 på forlaget Wayland ISBN: 1-85210-722-7 Vægt: 356 gram

Aabenraa·21. jun.·

TECKEN – Lettres, Signes, Ecritures

TECKEN – Lettres, Signes, Ecritures

300 kr.

Af Roberto Altmann, Ann-Marie Björklund, Eje Högestätt, Elisabeth Liljedahl (Eds.) Sprog: svensk, fransk samt indslag af tysk / Språk: Svenska, franska och lite tyska / Langues : suédois, français et un peu d’allemand. Betydningen af tegn, skrifter og breve for menneskelig udvikling. Tegn kan være alt fra vores daglige kruseduller til østlig fiktion, kalligrafi. Roberto Altman, kunstner og forfatter, havde samlet materialet, der viste bogstaver, tegn, skrift, notationer, bøger, magasiner og lydpoesi fra forskellige dele af verden. Flere svenske kunstnere deltog, herunder Elis Eriksson, Öyvind Fahlström, Bengt Emil Johnson, Erik Dietman, Endre Nemes, John Melin og Anders Österlin / Tecknens, skrifternas och bokstävernas betydelse för den mänskliga utvecklingen. Tecken kan vara det mesta från vårt dagliga klotter till österländsk skönskrift, kalligrafi. Roberto Altman, konstnär och författare, hade sammanställt materialet, som visade bokstäver, tecken, skrift, notationer, böcker, tidskrifter och ljudpoesi från olika håll i världen. Flera svenska konstnärer medverkade, bl a Elis Eriksson, Öyvind Fahlström, Bengt Emil Johnson, Erik Dietman, Endre Nemes, John Melin och Anders Österlin / L’importance des signes, des écrits et des lettres pour le développement humain. Les personnages peuvent être n’importe quoi, de nos gribouillages quotidiens à la fiction orientale, en passant par la calligraphie. Roberto Altman, artiste et écrivain, avait rassemblé le matériel, qui montrait des lettres, des caractères, des écrits, des notations, des livres, des magazines et de la poésie audio de différentes parties du monde. Plusieurs artistes suédois y ont participé, dont Elis Eriksson, Öyvind Fahlström, Bengt Emil Johnson, Erik Dietman, Endre Nemes, John Melin et Anders Österlin. 200 s. illustreret i sort/hvid / 200 s. illustrerad i svartvitt / 200 p. illustrées en noir et blanc Katalog: udstillingen af samme navn i Malmö Konsthall 22. marts-7. maj 1978. Vægt/vikt/poids: 513g. #

Aabenraa·21. jun.·