Billede 1 - Hal Leonard complete Harmonica Method
Billede 2 - Hal Leonard complete Harmonica Method
7000 Fredericia

Hal Leonard complete Harmonica Method

50 kr.

Harmonikaskole, The Hal Leonard complete Harmonica Method Chromatic Harmonica (Book / CD) BOBBY JOE HOLMAN Kan bruges til Hohner Chrometta #250 Hohner Chrometta #260 Hohner super Chrometta #270 Hohner Chrometta #255 Hohner super "64" Chrometta #280 90 kr. inkl. forsendelse med dao til pakkeshop. (Instructional). The only harmonica method to present the chromatic harmonica in 14 scales and modes in all 12 keys! This book with online audio will take beginners from the basics on through to the most advanced techniques available for the contemporary harmonica player. Each section contains appropriate songs and exercises (which are demonstrated on the audio) that enable the player to quickly learn the various concepts presented. Every aspect of this versatile musical instrument is explored and explained in easy-to-understand detail with illustrations. Covers: design and construction; correct breathing and hand positions; how to improvise; styles including traditional, blues, pop and rock; and more. Includes 14 songs to illustrate each scale, and a reference chart for all chromatic harmonicas.

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Ja - køber betaler A/SBanegårdspladsen 15000 Odense

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