Billede 1 - Global Health 101 af Richard Skolnik (Bog)
Billede 2 - Global Health 101 af Richard Skolnik (Bog)
Billede 3 - Global Health 101 af Richard Skolnik (Bog)
Industrivej 10, 3550 Slangerup

Global Health 101 af Richard Skolnik (Bog)

54 kr.

Global Health 101, Second Edition (formerly titled Essentials of Global Health) is a clear, concise, and user-friendly introduction to the most critical issues in global health. It illustrates key themes with an extensive set of case studies, examples, and the latest evidence. While the book offers a global perspective, particular attention is given to the health-development link, to developing countries, and to the health needs of poor and disadvantaged people. Global Health 101 builds on the success of an introductory global health course taught by the author at the George Washington School of Public Health and Health Services and is ideally suited for the the Association of American Colleges and Universities recommended course by the same name. The text is accompanied by a wealth of instructor’s resources, as well as a robust companion website with videos, presentations, and references intended to help both teachers and students. Richard Skolnik is the winner of numerous honors for teaching, has taught global health for 8 years, and has more than 30 years of experience as a global health practitioner in multilateral, university, and NGO settings. Klik på 'Se annoncen hos forhandleren' for at se varen i vores webshop Brand: Ukendt Farve: Ukendt Stand: 60 - Vi sender til hele landet for 45 kr. Leveringstiden er 1-3 hverdage. Du kan også gratis hente den på vores lager på Industrivej 10 i Slangerup. Er du i tvivl om varen stadig er til salg? Klik på knappen "Se annoncen hos forhandleren" for at se den i vores webshop. Kan du se den der, er den stadig til salg Orderly er en ny måde at købe brugt på. Vi har alle vores sælgeres ting på vores centrale lager. Derfor kan du være helt sikker på at få dine ting - og du kan samle flere ting på tværs af sælgere og kun betale én gang fragt.

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