Billede 1 - Albin Vega 27
Billede 2 - Albin Vega 27
Billede 3 - Albin Vega 27
Billede 4 - Albin Vega 27
Billede 5 - Albin Vega 27
Billede 6 - Albin Vega 27
Billede 7 - Albin Vega 27
Billede 8 - Albin Vega 27
Billede 9 - Albin Vega 27
Billede 10 - Albin Vega 27
Billede 11 - Albin Vega 27
Billede 12 - Albin Vega 27
Billede 13 - Albin Vega 27
Billede 14 - Albin Vega 27
Billede 15 - Albin Vega 27
Billede 16 - Albin Vega 27
Billede 17 - Albin Vega 27
Billede 18 - Albin Vega 27
Billede 19 - Albin Vega 27
Billede 20 - Albin Vega 27
7100 Vejle

Albin Vega 27

40.000 kr.

Storsejl ældre men kan stadig bruges Spiller med stang VHF/DSC Tillerpilot GPS Ekkolod USB opladere Nyt toilettet fra 2024 Køkkenet 70ltr vandtank Soves 5 Genopbyget indvendigt i 2000, installeret mastestøttarmering. Overmalet udenfor i 2024 (epoxy primer, epoxy maling og to komponent polyurethan maling). Nye bronze vantskruer og “standing rigging” 2024. Båden står i Vejle. Kommer med alle reb, fender osv. Sejlklar til 2025! Mulighed for at forhandle sig til redningsfladen. Vi er en familie på 5, og vi har købt en større båd til vores sejleventyr, men Kayanda er klar til at bringe dig ud på havet! Engelsk: We have sailed Kayanda for 2 years. We are a family of 5 and this is the maximum amount of people that can sleep in the boat (2 in the V-berth and 3 in the main cabin that becomes like a one large bed). It is a bit tight as we do 2-3 week long trips, but doable. Nevertheless, we are purchasing a larger boat this year so Kayanda is ready for the new owner. The interior of the boat (all bulkheads etc.) was completely rebuilt in the year 2000, and at the same time mast step support was installed. In 2023 we replaced or disassembled and serviced all through-hulls, installed the engine water strainer, changed water tank hoses, most of the electrical installation. Installed LED anchor light. Cleaned engine cooling channels and changed the shaft seal. In 2024 Installed roller-furling for the 120% genoa that has been reinforced by a sailmaker. New standing rigging with bronze turnbuckles, chainplates, new toilet and anti-siphon valves for it, new backstay tensioner, USB chargers, new tiller pilot. We have also installed a liferaft that we wanted to take with us to the new boat. But maybe we could negotiate about it. Before the 2024 season, we sanded all the decks and hull of the boat, reapplied 2 coats of a 2-component epoxy primer, 2 component epoxy paint, and finished with 2 coats of 2 component polyurethane paint. The engine is the original O22 inboard tha

Flere detaljer

Varens stand
God, men brugt

Ekstra detaljer

2.500 kg
1,1 meter
27 fod
Albin motor
12 hk.
Antal køjepladser