Billede 1 - The Seventies (Series : Decades) Af Michael Garret
Billede 2 - The Seventies (Series : Decades) Af Michael Garret
6200 Aabenraa

The Seventies (Series : Decades) Af Michael Garret

100 kr.

Hardback The period from 1970 to 1979 was a time of uncertainyt. The World oil crisis which began in 1973 led to the collapse of many businesses and brought large-scale unemployment. the future for Young people looked far less secure than it had done in the previous decade; some ecpressed their disillusionment and anger through the startling music and fashions of the punk revolution. Meanwhile the Vietnam War ended, the women's movement gained increased support, and greater concern was shown for the enviroment. THE SEVENTIES looks at this fascinating decade in a new way. The emphasis is on the style of the period and the social changes that took place, especially in those areas directly concerning young people - music, clothes, the media, leisure, youth culture and style. These are seen against the background of the decade's maijor historical, political and technological events. Contents/Indhold: Introduction ; Fashion ; Pop Music : The Media ; Leisure ; Youth Cultures ; Seventies Style ; Images of the Seventies 1. udgave fra 1989 på forlaget Wayland ISBN: 1-85210-724-3 Vægt: 356 gram

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Ja - køber betaler A/SBanegårdspladsen 15000 Odense

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