Billede 1 - Hundertwasser - Harry Rand
8620 Kjellerup

Hundertwasser - Harry Rand

199 kr.

His trump card is his art, the creator of beauty: of natural harmony, peace and joy. The extra-lucid power of his analytical sensitivity makes him the perfect decoder of global culture and its guided information. He reveals the prodigious quality resources of naturist empiricism against the abusive uniformity of rationalist totalitarianism, against the tyranny of ugliness and the iron rule of its straight line." Excerpt from: Pierre Restany, Hundertwasser, The Power of Art - The Painter-King with the five skins, Cologne, 1998, p. 94" Harry Rand studied at the City College of New York and at Harvard University, where he completed his doctorate on the iconography of Arshile Gorky in 1974. He has published numerous books and essays on 20th century painting and sculpture and is now Senior Curator of Cultural History at the National Museum of American History (Smithsonian Institution). Stort format

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