I'm too young for this! : the natural hormone solution to enjoy perimenopause (Bog)
The Natural Hormone Solution to Enjoy Perimenopause Summary: "WHY WAIT TO FEEL GOOD AGAIN? If you're in your 30s or 40s your body is changing, and with it so are your moods, sleep, health, and weight. Tired of being at the mercy of your hormones? Armed with the knowledge in this book, you don't have to be. Perimenopause can be enjoyable if you know what to do. I'M TOO YOUNG FOR THIS! details how you can get your body and mind back on track, safely and without drugs, including: --How our bodies transition hormonally--from puberty through perimenopause. --The common complaints of perimenopause--and hidden factors that may keep you symptomatic. --What are the minor and major hormones, and the important role they play in feeling good and staying vibrant and healthy. --What to eat--including Perimenopausal Power Foods--as well as other lifestyle shifts that are critical to your successful transition. --Cutting-edge research that proves the safety and efficacy of bioidentical hormone replacement (BHRT). --The Symptom Solver: a state-of-the-art guide to immediate relief for your hormonal complaints. Plus, how to find the right doctor as well as get your most frequently asked questions answered by expert hormone specialists. Your life is about to change for the better. You can feel great, be vibrant, healthy, thin, and sexy! This book shows you how"-- Titel: I'm too young for this! : the natural hormone solution to enjoy perimenopause Forlag: Harmony Books Udgivelsesår: 2013 Sider: 267 Sprog: Engelsk Klik på 'Se annoncen hos forhandleren' for at se varen i vores webshop Brand: Ukendt Farve: Ukendt Stand: 60 - Mindre spor fra almindeligt brugt. (Se billeder) Vi sender til hele landet for 45 kr. Leveringstiden er 1-3 hverdage. Du kan også gratis hente den på vores lager på Industrivej 10 i Slangerup. Er du i tvivl om varen stadig er til salg? Klik på knappen "Se annoncen hos forhandleren" for at se den i vores webshop. Kan du se den der, er den stadig til salg Orderly er en ny måde at købe brugt på. Vi har alle vores sælgeres ting på vores centrale lager. Derfor kan du være helt sikker på at få dine ting - og du kan samle flere ting på tværs af sælgere og kun betale én gang fragt.
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