Virksomhedsfællesskab med plads til alle!
Beboelsesvogne fra Simple Homes
Udlejning til bl.a. privatgenhusning - høj service og hurtig levering
Vi udlejer vogne, lifte, Mobile badeværelser, Mandskabsvogne og Kontor-/spisevogne
Are you looking for a modern business community where there are plenty of competencies within reach? Business community with heart and price in the right place In this corporate community, we are at eye level with all our tenants, and there is room for companies of all sizes, whether you are new to a business, a growth company or a large and established company, your company is supported by a dedicated team whose prime task is to meet the services you need. Whether it's going up or down, the corporate community is your buffer or extended arm - when you need it. The corporate community believes that good framework conditions and flexibility lead to growth and increased value, and the goal is to make it easier for you to run a business. Prices of selected products: • flex membership: DKK 500, - / month. • permanent membership (own desk): DKK 2,500, - / month. • Closed office: from DKK 6,500 / md. You get 500, - / md from the above prices. to consume what you want: desk, lunch, meeting room, networking events and running / cycling club. Business community tenants today Today approx. 70 companies from the individual self-employed, who rent an office space, to large international companies that rent premises for offices and showrooms. We also have room for you! You are welcome to book information and get a non-committal talk about your company's current and future needs. The company community is housed in a completely renovated 4-length proprietary farm with a beautiful old garden and overlooking Egå Engsø and the cranes at Aarhus harbor. The office community is close to motorway 15 and there are approx. 10 min drive to Aarhus C. Trains and buses run the day, and the bus stops are within walking distance. The upcoming light rail will also have its stop nearby. It's about. 30 min. drive to Aarhus airport. Lejemålets energimærke er angivet til: A2010
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Om boligen
- Produkttype
- Erhvervslokaler
- Type
- kontorhoteller
For lejeboliger og depoter
- Areal (m²)
- 50 m²