Billede 1 - 100 Great Albums of the Sixties
Billede 2 - 100 Great Albums of the Sixties
2500 Valby

100 Great Albums of the Sixties

60 kr.

John Tobler. Hardback, 112 sider på engelsk. Som ny. Sendes gerne, porto = 50 kr. MobilePay. The 1960s marked a decade of revolution and innovation in the evolution of pop music. 100 Great Albums of the Sixties presents a comprehensive overview of the musical trends that defined this tumultuous decade, presenting the albums chronologically, and housing each within a vivid sense of its cultural and musical context. 100 full-color illustrations. Også: • A Brief History of Album Covers, 60 kr.

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Musik A/SBanegårdspladsen 15000 Odense

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