Billede 1 - QUANCOM Watchdog-Kort PWDOG1 V4.1
Billede 2 - QUANCOM Watchdog-Kort PWDOG1 V4.1
Billede 3 - QUANCOM Watchdog-Kort PWDOG1 V4.1
4681 Herfølge

QUANCOM Watchdog-Kort PWDOG1 V4.1

257 kr.

PCI Watchdog board with relay for PC reset. After a system crash, the system will be rebooted automatically by the PC Watchdog card. Plug & Play compatible card Access intervals up to 13 minutes 24h availability backgroundservices for Windows 2000/NT included Linux Webserver Checker checks i.e. Apache Webservers The reliable PC Watchdog technology by QUANCOM is now also available for the PCI bus. We designed the board as an Plug & Play compatible PCI watchdog card. The cards are equipped with drivers for the following operating systems: Microsoft Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, Microsoft Windows NT 4.x, Microsoft Windows 95/98, Microsoft Windows 3.1, DOS and Linux. Detailed overview of manuals, drivers and supported OS can be found on Varen er til salg, når annoncen er aktiv / online. Forsendelse ( med forbehold for pris- og portostigninger ) til pakkeshop: 43,-kr, som køber betaler. Betaling: MobilePay, netbank, kontant. SMS/MMS kan ikke modtages/sendes, da mit telefonnr. i annoncen er til en fastnet telefon.

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