Billede 1 - Håndlæsning: The laws of scientific hand reading af William G. Benham
Billede 2 - Håndlæsning: The laws of scientific hand reading af William G. Benham
Billede 3 - Håndlæsning: The laws of scientific hand reading af William G. Benham
Industrivej 10, 3550 Slangerup

Håndlæsning: The laws of scientific hand reading af William G. Benham

98 kr.

1900 a practical treatise on the art commonly called palmistry. with 800 illustrations from life. Synopsis: Explains how to analyze the human hand, describes what the hand reveals about character, and discusses the nails, fingers, and thumbs From the Author: William G. Benham continued his study of palmistry throughout his life—also authoring How to Choose Vocations From the Hand in 1932. His work has stood the test of time and influenced generations of students and practitioners of palmistry. Some of the Contents: Basis of Our Work; Plan of Creation; Mount Types; Life Current; General Attributes of the Lines; Pose & Carriage of the Hands; There has never been conceived or made by man any instrument, machine,or contrivance, capable of such a diversity of usefulness as the human hand. Nothing has ever existed with such infinite adaptability to various needs, or capable of being trained to such degrees of dexterity and versatility. Nor is it likely that as perfect a machine will ever be produced by human skill, for the only thing the human hand cannot do is to create an instrument as perfect as itself. There is no possible question but that the fineness or coarseness of a human hand indicates whether it can better do fine or coarse work, nor is there a doubt but that other markings on it show for what lines of work it is best adapted. The delicate hand of a lady cannot perform the same hard labor as the large, strong hand of a blacksmith, nor can the blacksmith do the fine embroidery so deftly wrought by the lady's hand. Neither has the blacksmith's brain the little embroideries of the mind. His brain is of heavier construc¬tion, hers more delicately built. His hand, like his brain, is heavy: her hand is fine like her brain. Never was there a hand that did not exactly reflect the brain that directs it, and this is the basis from which a scientific study of the hand must begin. To get at the secrets of the mind embodies the effort toward which scientific hand-reading aspires, for mind is the guiding force in life. Upon that hypothesis are based the teachings of this book. Kiromanti Klik på 'Se annoncen hos forhandleren' for at se varen i vores webshop Brand: Ukendt Farve: Ukendt Stand: 20 - Vi sender til hele landet for 45 kr. Leveringstiden er 1-3 hverdage. Du kan også gratis hente den på vores lager på Industrivej 10 i Slangerup. Er du i tvivl om varen stadig er til salg? Klik på knappen "Se annoncen hos forhandleren" for at se den i vores webshop. Kan du se den der, er den stadig til salg Orderly er en ny måde at købe brugt på. Vi har alle vores sælgeres ting på vores centrale lager. Derfor kan du være helt sikker på at få dine ting - og du kan samle flere ting på tværs af sælgere og kun betale én gang fragt.

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