Industrivej 10, 3550 Slangerup

No Kiss for Mother af Tomi Ungerer (Bog)

60 kr.

If there's one thing Piper Paw hates, it's being kissed by his doting mother, Mrs. Velvet Paw. And one day she does the unforgivable: she kisses Piper in front of his friends! "Kisses, kisses all the time," howls Piper. "I don't like it. I don't want it. Good-morning kisses, licky kisses, soggy kisses!" What can Mrs. Paw do? She answers her son with a surprise of her own - and it's not a kiss. Children will sympathize with bad-kitty Piper Paw when he refuses to wear the clothes his mother sets out, squirms from her when she smothers him in kisses, and won't eat when she desperately tries to please him with his favorite foods.Through every disruptive means available to him -- slingshots, stink bombs, spiders, pea shooters. and firecrackers -- young Piper manages to earn the wrong kind of attention from parents, teachers, anti classmates. It ultimately takes a fight in the schoolyard to bring Piper's problems to a head. When Mrs. Paw reacts with her usual caring but overly protective ways, Piper comes back at her with angry words, and both feel hurt anti misunderstood. Finally, Piper takes a big step toward truly growing up by giving up some of his childish pranks and learning to let his mother know, in his own way, that he loves her, but that he is uncomfortable with too many kisses! Throughout this entertaining tale. Tomi Ungerer's expressive, imaginative illustrations show each character's deeper feelings as both Piper and his mother finally learn to respect each other's preferences Type: Hardcover Titel: No Kiss for Mother af Tomi Ungerer (Bog) Forfatter: Tomi Ungerer Genre: Børnebog Forlag: Phaidon Emneord børn voksne forældre opdragelse skole venner følelser respekt samtykke Klik på 'Se annoncen hos forhandleren' for at se varen i vores webshop Brand: Ukendt Farve: Ukendt Stand: 60 - Mindre spor fra almindeligt brugt. (Se billeder) Vi sender til hele landet for 45 kr. Leveringstiden er 1-3 hverdage. Du kan også gratis hente den på vores lager på Industrivej 10 i Slangerup. Er du i tvivl om varen stadig er til salg? Klik på knappen "Se annoncen hos forhandleren" for at se den i vores webshop. Kan du se den der, er den stadig til salg Orderly er en ny måde at købe brugt på. Vi har alle vores sælgeres ting på vores centrale lager. Derfor kan du være helt sikker på at få dine ting - og du kan samle flere ting på tværs af sælgere og kun betale én gang fragt.

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