Billede 1 - Anne Frank - Voice of Hope (Famous Lives)
Billede 2 - Anne Frank - Voice of Hope (Famous Lives)
Billede 3 - Anne Frank - Voice of Hope (Famous Lives)
Billede 4 - Anne Frank - Voice of Hope (Famous Lives)
6200 Aabenraa

Anne Frank - Voice of Hope (Famous Lives)

50 kr.

Forfatter: Cath Senker Hardcover. This is the story of Anne's short and touching life. It's about a fun-loving and sensitive Jewish girl who kept an intimate diary during those difficult years in hiding. The fourteen-year old used her diary to express love, pain, fear and hope - especially the hope that she'd become a writer one day. Tragically, like so many others, Anne died in a concentration camp. After the war her diary was discovered and published and has since become a best-seller which is read by people throughout the world - just as Anne would have wished. This book follows Anne Frank's short life through a combination of simple text, photographs, captions and quotation panels. Serie: Famous Lives Omslaget har en del brugsspor. Siderne fejler ikke noget. Fra 2000 på forlaget Wayland ISBN: 07-5023-047-9 / 9780750230476 Vægt: 426 gram

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